miércoles, 11 de julio de 2012

Placebo - The Bitter End

Ayer luego de un mini carrete una noche de semana, entre bailes, humo de cigarro, oscuridad y escenas semi-porno, el DJ puso esta canción. La escuche infinitas veces en mi adolescencia, pero fue ayer el día en que la letra me hizo sentido...la descripción fiel del momento en que comienza a perderse el interés entre cotidianidad y desencanto. Parece que el humo verde me esta llevando a conclusiones divinas.

Since we're feeling so anesthetised
In our comfort zone
Reminds me of the second time
That I followed you home

We're running out of alibi's
On the second of May
Reminds me of the summer time
On this winter day

See you at the bitter end
See you at the bitter end

Every step we take that's synchronized
Every broken bone
Reminds me of the second time
That I followed you home

You shower me with lullabies
As you're walking away
Reminds me that it's killing time
On this fateful day

See you at the bitter end

From the time we intercepted
Feels a lot like suicide
Slow and sad, grown inside us
Arouse and see you're mine
(See you at the bitter end)

Love has seen your run-around
Who wanna seek you now?
I want a peace
I'd whine out 
(See you at the bitter end)

Love's reached his side
Grab this gentleness inside 
Heard a cry
Six feet down
In six weeks' time
The mess you left
Will end 
See you at the bitter end

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